Monday, August 27, 2012

Silly Wu


                 Oh, hello! Welcome to my hideout! owner wants to gimme a shower!

                                      Wu-Dong? I got your favorite tuna smelling shampoo!
                      Oh great, Tuna Smelling Shampoo!?  I must check to see if the coast is clear!

                                Cat-ness, I'm getting sleepy! Did R give me my coffee today?

                                               have my coffee..

Meowing Off,

                              WARNING- Wu-Dong does not actually drink coffee.


Katnip Lounge said...

Don't fall for it! There is NO tuna shampoo my friend.

Katie Isabella said...

Wu- Dong, I'm right there with you...NO showers. Not even with tuna smelling shampoo! No No No.

Kat said...

Hi Wu-Dong! I just started following your bloggie and love it! Your too cute ;) Hope we can be furrfriends! lots of love xoxo Sherlock

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Wu-Dong you are just the cutest kitty ever! Did you really take a shower?
Your TX furiends,

Wu-Dong said...

Katnip Lounge-

Thanks! I won't!

Katie Isabella-

Yeah, I'm with yah K.I.

Sherlock the Cat-

I hope we can be great furrfriends too! Thanks for following my blog! I'll check out yours and follow! :)

Samantha, Clementine and Maverick-

Cute certainly fits my description! No, I didn't take a shower, my owner just thought the pictures fit purr-fectly into the scene she was tinking of, no tuna shampoo either!

Meowing Off,
