Sunday, August 12, 2012

Impostering a dog


Meowing Off,


Anonymous said...

Hey Wu-Dong. I hear your a pretty chill cat(: That's cool. You're pretty cool yourself also.

Wu-Dong said...



Meowing Off,


The Island Cats said...

Hi Wu-Dong! Those are some nice laser eyes you have!

Wu-Dong said...

The Island Cats-

It's just the flash off the camera!

Hope to hear from you again!
Love your blog!

Meowing Off,


The Island Cats said...

Hi Wu-Dong! You asked about our catnip plant. Our mom bought catnip seeds at the gardenstore and planted them. They grow pretty fast!! Our mom says that she has seen catnip plants in the pet store, so you can tell your humans to check there. Fresh nip is the best! When the weather gets colder, our mom will cut our nip plant down and dry the leaves so we will have nip for the winter time!